Release Notes for Open-AudIT v4.1.2

Release Notes for Open-AudIT v4.1.2

Released 2021-06-14Linux SHA256: daa326ede49b425cc1e7da826e311c82fca52d9780e9b680833cbfc6716cb5dd

Linux MD5: fd15b1ed6f1a8e269d03a72fe7487760

Linux SHA256 (4.1.2-3) - 1ff1880709d807fa0a9130e9deda762c4f5354040f1f5c1224a4a0dfca2ac14e

Linux MD5 (4.1.2-3) - 9af10f85232fe38b168f6a3d3b6184be

Linux SHA256 (4.1.2-4) - 3b7d800258bd4b132be1185dbfa54ffa317fe5e71199a0d840e29ce20fbb7809

Linux MD5 ( - 0af0279113fd4833effbbb0fbc168eba

This is a small release to address a significant bug (#1, #2 below). But if you do not use the /clouds functionality, you are not affected. As /clouds is not available under our Windows release, the 4.1.2 release for Windows wont be posted.

UPDATE - Open-AudIT 4.1.2-3 for Linux released on 28th June, 2021. Additional fixes, as below.

UPDATE - Open-AudIT 4.1.2-4 for Linux released on 6th July, 2021. Fix for installing on Debian 10.

EnterpriseBugClouds, DiscoveriesUse correct attribute for Cloud link on Discoveries::List template.
EnterpriseBugClouds, DiscoveriesUpdate discoveries DB schema and use cloud_id and cloud_name.
EnterpriseImprovementCloudsClouds::Read template for Use ssh, wmi, snmp use drop downs not text fields.
ProfessionalImprovementDiscoveriesSet large limit for Discovery Export so we get all log lines.
EnterpriseImprovementDevicesDon't escape JSON retrieved from Cloud auditing on devices::read template.
EnterpriseBugCloudsCorrectly install awscli for Redhat 8.
CommunityBugHelpFix OS Timezone for Windows Help -> Support output.
CommunityBugHelpFix Help->Support test for pre-req on Linux.
CommunityImprovementAllConfig change to allow php cli requests.

CommunityBugDevicesImport from NMIS fixed (Linux 4.1.2-3 only).
ProfessionalBugDiscoveriesFix tour (for credentials and discoveries) with updated JS library  (Linux 4.1.2-3 only).
ProfessionalImprovementAllRefine Welcome page (Linux 4.1.2-3 only).
ProfessionalBugLicensingFix header bar for license/menu template (Linux 4.1.2-3 only).
ProfessionalImprovementAllMore contrast for disabled form fields (Linux 4.1.2-3 only).
ProfessionalImprovementAllFixes RHEL8 install of awscli where unzip not installed on target server (Linux 4.1.2-3 only).

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