Release Notes for Open-AudIT v2.2.7

Release Notes for Open-AudIT v2.2.7

Released 2018-09-05

Linux md5sum: b8b1d8edcad880eee4b7acf4d2cad5c8

Linux SHA256: 9690fd89aead00623f3e71f65d72bd73eb27f637409ce51ccf69dbd30362ccef


This is mostly a bug fix release with some minor improvements.

Open-AuditBugFix the widget SQL definition for Device Age (0-3+ Years)
Open-AuditImprovementAdd a fix for non-Unix and Windows line endings when importing a CSV.

Display warning on templates if warranted (samba libs on Centos / RH 6).

Open-AuditBugFix widget for Devices Not Seen (1-7+ Days) link.
Open-AuditBugFix the widget for End of Warranty to exclude devices with no warranty date set (which is 2000-01-01).
Open-AuditBugFix attribute name in Bulk Edit (nmis_export -> nmis_manage).
Open-AuditBugWhen processing an audit result, fix a bug when matching the array of mac addresses. Set the hostname if empty. Fix a bug when matching FQDN.
Open-AuditImprovementImprove Mac Model (description, form factor and class) when processing an audit result.
Open-AuditImprovementAdd custom images directory to help -> support tests. Ignore errors for some _SERVER items.
Open-AuditImprovementRetrieve line cards, modules, power supplies and ports from Exablaze devices.
Open-AuditImprovementAdd a SSH timeout config item.
Open-AuditImprovementEnforce limit on discovery logs retrieved.
Open-AuditImprovementAdded extra device OIDs for use by SNMP discoveries.
Open-AuditBugFix Summaries definitions.
Open-AuditImprovementAttempt to use winexe-static-2 as a first preference and also use smbclient with -m SMB2 first attempts.
Open-AuditImprovementNew winexe for SMB2 so we can now audit a SMB1 disabled Windows machine from Linux.

Escaped templates to avoid XSS

Open-AuditBugFix Ubiquiti serial retrieval via SSH.
Open-AuditImprovementIncrease network card speed size in schema to allow for 10GB/s cards.
Open-AuditImprovementAllow for interface speeds greater than 4GB when discovering using SNMP (query HighSpeed MIB).
Open-AudITBugFix device type = router when no credentials working.
Open-Audit ProfessionalImprovement

Place log warnings on dashboards when logging greater than default.

Open-Audit ProfessionalImprovementAdd a flash to indicate data at bottom of template if config option set and database export to CSV/XML/SQL run.
Open-Audit ProfessionalBugRemove a CSS rule on the dashboard page that was causing visual artifacts in Firefox.
Open-Audit ProfessionalImprovementBig red warning on Discoveries create templates for RH/Centos 6 machines because of SMB2.
Open-Audit ProfessionalImprovementPassword mask certain sensitive config items.
Open-Audit ProfessionalBugFix buttons for Firefox in templates.
Open-Audit ProfessionalImprovementRe-enable sending credentials to OAC from the opMojo login form.
Open-Audit ProfessionalImprovementAdd logs to OAP/E for viewing (no redirect to OAC).
Open-Audit ProfessionalImprovementExport database tables from OAP/E (no redirect to OAC).

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