Release Notes for Open-AudIT v3.2.1

Release Notes for Open-AudIT v3.2.1

Released 2019-09-19

Linux SHA256: 5a5bdd1f3ba52bda29ebcd2304a1daa1c0bf3dcd89ad1ebbf0405dba03921853

Linux md5sum: 3fb77a8c273f21d12ef3014e9d55279b

NOTE - Version 3.2.1 has been removed for download. We have discovered a memory issue with the new Rules feature. We are working to rectify this as soon as possible. If your discoveries are not completing, the short term work-around is to assign your server more memory or to slow down your discoveries (maybe use a more thorough default scan option). Apologies for the inconvenience, this will be rectified ASAP.

Open-AudITImprovementauditsMinor improvements to linux disk auditing.
Open-AudITBugdiscoveriesFix use correct variable name for discovery log ID.
Open-AudITBugdiscoveriesIncorrect SQL for discoveries::collection to test for failing discovery on Windows.
Open-AudITBugdevicesFix a couple of log lines (status was incorrect and summary was missing).
Open-AudITBugdiscoveriesUse correct status in ssh_helper for fail.
Open-AudITBugcloudsUse correct $id or $details->id when processing cloud instances.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugcollectorsInsert discoveries directly to ensure the Collector and Server use the same discovery ID. Without this, logs from the Collector are associated with the incorrect (or possibly non-existing) discovery on the server.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementdiscoveriesUse system.serial to detect audit status on discoveries::read template.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugcloudsFix count for devices audited when running a cloud discovery.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugdashboardsInclude the license modal on the welcome dashboard template.

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