Release Notes for Open-AudIT v2.2.6

Release Notes for Open-AudIT v2.2.6

Released 2018-07-12

This is a bug fix release with one or two improvements and a very small feature.

Change Log

Open-AudITImprovementRermove the exclusion for SNMP discovered devices recording the loopback interface.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugCreate Role building bad JSON for this collection.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugCannot send emails from tasks.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugBulk Edit devices from a graph.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugDisplay files to be monitored by default scripts.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugThe End of Warranty widget SQL was not allowing for an expired warranty.
Open-AudITBugFramework was incorrectly alering a users password when it contained an &.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugIncorrect device count on Active Directory Sites/OUs widgets (was not accounting for device status).
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugIncorrect count on Servers widget (was not accounting for device status).
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementEnable a user to edit certain attributes from their own account.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugOwner -> org_id not correctly matching on template
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugEdit role broken, incorrect destination for PATCH request.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugFix template to display 0 if present, rather than nothing. See tasks::collection.
Open-AudITImprovementObscure sensitive credentials when exporting configuration item.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementLink to local help prerequisites page, rather than online wiki.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalNew FeatureAdd the ability to upload images of a device.
Open-AudITBugLDAP login code not creating users correctly if they do not already exist.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugFix the version checker (/omk dashboard and Help -> About menu). An issue for Pro only, not Ent.
Open-AudITImprovementImprove Ubiquiti device auditing.

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