Release Notes for Open-AudIT v2.0.6

Release Notes for Open-AudIT v2.0.6

Released 2017-09-11.

NOTE - Dashboard Graphs If you install 2.0.6 and your Dashboard graphs do not populate, simply click on one of the links in Discover, Report or Manage. You will then see the EULA. Click accept and all will work as intended.


Collector / Server! We have a new feature for Enterprise users called Collector / Server. What this means is that you can install Open-AudIT on your main machine (the Server), and install another Open-AudIT in a remote network (the Collector) and control that remote server from the main Open-AudIT server. The Collector discovers devices on a schedule controlled by the Server. All credentials are set on the Server. Once a Collector has been configured, all work is then performed on the Server and sent to the Collector as required. We have a new wiki page detailing this feature at Collector / Server. All Enterprise licensed users recieve one Collector license. More can be purchased as required.

Tasks Change

As part of the Collector / Server feature, we have changed the way Tasks work. Tasks are now able to be scheduled down to "minute" granularity. Tasks work as per the universal "cron" type schedule (Wikipedia link). When we install (or upgrade) Open-AudIT, you will see a cron entry or scheduled task that runs each minute. This is the controlling task that asks Open-AudIT to check to see if there are any jobs it should run at this time. You should not delete this entry. Your old tasks will still exist and continue to work and can be deleted however no new tasks can be created using the old method. You will see an entry under menu -> Admin for Tasks.

NOTE - If you are using HTTPS you will need to edit the file (linux) /usr/local/omk/bin/open-audit_tasks.sh or (windows) c:\omk\bin\open-audit_tasks.vbs to change the URL. We hope to automate this int he future.


Discovery and SSH keys 

We now have the ability to accept password protected SSH keys for discovery under both Linux and Windows.


Change Log

Open-AudITBugFix template bug for bulk update status.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugFix template bug for bulk update status.
Open-AudITImprovementBack off timing by default (T2). Allow extra seconds for scan (now 30, was 90).
Open-AudITImprovementRestore Bulk Edit -> Discover button.
Open-AudITBugFix SQL to remove old log lines.
Open-AudITImprovementPrefer curl to wget when submitting result in audit_linux.sh
Open-AudITImprovementAdd exception for innotek for keywork 'in' (manufacturers summary).
Open-AudITFeatureAllow for password protected ssh keys.
Open-AudITImprovementReplace SSH calls with PHPSecLib library and use in Discovery.
Open-AudITBugAttachments fixed.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugAttachments fixed.
Open-AudITImprovementDo not set a default of status == production in the devices filter.
Open-AudITImprovementSNMP vendor Hirschmann (248) added.
Open-AudITImprovementNo alert on AD discovery when no subnet provided.
Open-AudITImprovementDiscovery for single device implemented.
Open-AudITImprovementBetter support for NMIS (and other Opmantek products) export.
Open-AudITImprovementDiscovery create use a drop-down with a lost of possible network addresses, and also provide an 'other' option to manually input something else.
Open-AudITImprovementDo not run the Summaries when generating menu items, just retrieve the list of them.
Open-AudITBugFix Software Changes query.
Open-AudITImprovementAdd a configuration item "page_size" which replaces the hardcoded default of 1,000 for web requests.
Open-AudITImprovementAdd to system table - collector_uuid. Show device collector name if present on device details page.
Open-AudITImprovementAdded some Ubiquiti tests in ssh_helper.
Open-AudITBugFix bug with location_id being (incorrectly) set to 0 (should be 1). Thanks JPA.
Open-AudITImprovementAs part of Collector / Server, allow JSON formatted audit submission as well as XML format.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugChange patch response so we don't error on no data (bulk edit patch doesn't return a data array).
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugFix URL call for Maps API.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugFix link on collection template for networks.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugFix collection::create template to display help text for subnet, not other on discoveries::create routine.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementShow collectors drop down on tasks::read template.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementAdded a GET call to login template when using Enterprise so we run check_defaults (upsert server subnets into networks, rotate logs, etc) in Community.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementAdded package simple-xml to the installer for later versions of Deb and Ubu as they don't ship it by default anymore.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementChange nmis_export to nmis_manage to match schema in template.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementSingle device discovery implemented.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementMake menu between OAP/E and OAC consistent. Add Import device from audit script.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseFeatureImplement device detail on a given date (Enterprise license required).
Open-AudIT EnterpriseFeatureCollector / Server.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseFeatureTasks - cron style with full Open-AudIT API support.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementAdd an info button on all create forms for each attribute.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementPopulate the network_address on the discoveries create form as best we can.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseBugFix baseline policy creation.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementFeature pricing cards reflect license required

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