Dynamic Topological Maps

Dynamic Topological Maps


As of opCharts version 4.6 a new feature "Dynamic Topological Maps" has been implemented. Dynamic Topological Maps allow you to quickly generate and save maps based off the dynamic filters designated by you.  The nodes matching that filter will be included in the map, and if nodes are added or removed from the system, the map will be automatically updated.

Creating a Dynamic Topological Map

To begin creating your Dynamic Topological Map navigate to the Maps view - Menu -> Views -> Maps.  Click the + (plus) icon to create a new map.

First change the map type to "Dynamic Topological Map" and you will see that the Components view will now be a button "Set Dynamic Filter", secondly you can select this button to define a filter for the map.

Set Dynamic Filter

From the options available you can select the criteria for you dynamic filter, when done, click "Add Dynamic Filter" and the matching nodes will be displayed.

Dynamic Topological Map Options

By default, the dynamic filter uses the same options which the node selector on the Nodes view uses.  It should be showing all the properties, you are needing, but you could have the system display more by following the details in Adjusting node selector attributes.

The other options are a little more involved but very cool.

Add Neighbours

The Add Neighbours option will show all nodes matching the filters and include any nodes which are neighbours of these.  These neighbours would be found automatically using CDP, LLDP and VMware ESXi Virtual Machines.

Add Subnets

Similar to the neighbours, Add Subnets will include all subnets connected to the nodes matching the filters and include any nodes connected to those subnets.  This could result in many extra nodes being displayed in a larger network.

Add Depends 

This will add the nodes matching the filters and include any nodes which are named in the "Depends", some more information about that feature in opCharts Node Dependancy Management (Root Cause Analysis)


Depth will look keep expanding the "circle" of matching criteria to be additional subnets and neighbours and include those nodes in the map.

Dynamic Topological Map Layout

You can try different layouts if you like, often different layouts work better or worse depending on the topology.

You can also disable "Auto Layout" and manually move some nodes to where you like and save the map.

Saving the Map

If you haven't already, fill in the name (mandatory), description and title for the map and click the Save Map button. 

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