TopN View

TopN View


The TopN view is a custom dashboard view built from six opCharts charts. It can be accessed by selecting Views -> TopN from the opCharts menu bar. For more information on these see: opCharts Chart.


The TopN View includes the following six Components:

  • TopN CPU Load
  • TopN Memory Load
  • TopN In Util
  • TopN Out Util
  • TopN Error Rates
  • TopN Out Discard Rates

TopN Error Rates and TopN Discard Rates Blank

It is 99% likely that these are not missing but that there are no values for these types of things.  In network devices it is normal to see output discards and input errors, it is VERY uncommon to see input discards and output errors.  Back with older networking technologies like Frame Relay, X25, etc we used to see this happen and very rarely now we see it with bad transceivers and cables causing these values.


The small graphs for each TopN are called "sparklines", they give you an impression of the full graph which you can see by clicking on the sparkline or the node.

TopN 2023

Information about the TopN Definition screen. What do all the columns mean.

Mark Dueck is writing new definitions for all the old defintions.

Need to make new screen shots

need to write how to add to dashboard

Top N Enhancements

TopN data tables have been replaced with new and improved grid which allows the user to sort the table on "Last" column to reverse the data displayed, effectively allowing the user to inspect the "bottom N"

New selector is available which can display 10, 20 or 50 entries in each table. On the first load, each table shows the default entries (based on the "limit" value in configuration). Changing the value in "show" selector will trigger to display the selected value for all tables irrespective of the limit in configuration.

Add/Edit TopN Configuration

As part of TopN enhancement, users now have the capability to add or edit the TopN definition via GUI. This feature can be accessed via Views → TopN  and then clicking on the "Manage TopN Configs" button 

This button will take you the page that lists all the available Top N definitions. To add a new one, click on the add button above the grid or to edit an existing definition. select it and then click the edit button. This will open modal. Fill int the fields and click Save to save the definition



Top N Fields Definition:
NameUnique name that will act id for the config
TitleTitle to display on the dashboard
OrderThe order where the dashboard must be dsiplayed
LimitNumber of rows to be displayed by default
Show Value
Show ElementIf selected, display the interface column
Show SparklineIf selected, display the sparkline chart for last 1 hour  
Top N Key
Data Section
Add FilterIf selected, allows to add filter criteria which will filter the nodes shown in table

Default shipping TopN table "topn_key" names

CPU  "cpuLoad",
Memory "memoryUtil"
Interface Output "outputUtil"
Interface Input "inputUtil"
Interface Errors In "ifInErrors"
Interface Discards Out "ifOutDiscards"
TCP connections "tcpCurrEstab",  

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