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opHA Message Bus Troubleshooting

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status for ophad

sudo systemctl status ophad

log files for ophad

sudo journalctl -fu ophad -n 50


status for nats-server

sudo systemctl status nats-server


If the omkd service will not start and you get the following messages in /usr/local/omk/log/opDaemon.log

[info] RBAC disabled, failed to getDb Connection, error string:Error Connecting to Database localhost:27017: MongoDB::Error: host list ':27017' contains empty host
. . .
[error] Failed to get nodes model: Find failed: MongoDB::DatabaseError: node is not in primary or recovering state

It is because the db_mongo_cluster has not been configured correctly.

Delete the following line from the opCommon.json file.

"db_mongo_cluster": [],

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