opHA Message Bus Troubleshooting

opHA Message Bus Troubleshooting


status for ophad

sudo systemctl status ophad

log file for ophad

sudo journalctl -fu ophad -n 50



status for nats-server

sudo systemctl status nats-server

log file for nats-server

sudo journalctl -fu nats-server -n 50


If the omkd service will not start and you get the following messages in /usr/local/omk/log/opDaemon.log

[info] RBAC disabled, failed to getDb Connection, error string:Error Connecting to Database localhost:27017: MongoDB::Error: host list ':27017' contains empty host
. . .
[error] Failed to get nodes model: Find failed: MongoDB::DatabaseError: node is not in primary or recovering state

It is because the db_mongo_cluster has not been configured correctly.

Delete the following line from the opCommon.json file.

"db_mongo_cluster": [],


If you get

[error] Failed to get nodes model: Find failed: MongoDB::DatabaseError: node is not in primary or recovering state

It is because you have not completed the step to Initialize MongoDB Replica Set

Duplicated nodes on the primary

When operating opHA in a configuration that includes both a poller and a mirror pair, you may notice duplicate node entries appearing in opCharts and NMIS. It's important to understand that this is only a visual duplication - there is still just one actual node being monitored in the system.




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