Traffic Summary Report

Traffic Summary Report

Traffic Summary Report

The traffic summary report provides a specialized report of categorized and grouped traffic figures for any number of nodes and interfaces.

This report requiresnode_intf_type input file that provides nodes, interfaces and "type" for grouping (see How to select Nodes (and Interfaces) for reporting).

The interfaces are grouped both by their "type" attribute and their average combined utilisation (into categories Low=<45%, Minor=<80%, and Major=>80%).

The  report consists of

  • A summary table, which displays for each "type" category the number of interfaces in each utilisation category (and a total)
  • And a details table for each combination of "type" and utilisation categories.
    The details table shows the node and interface, the input and output interface speeds, the average combined traffic and the average combined utilisation, plus a shortened period column.

For output formats HTML and CSV these tables are shown one after the other. For XLSX, the tables are put on separate worksheets (within a single spreadsheet file).

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