opReports Upgrade Instructions (Legacy version 2.x)

opReports Upgrade Instructions (Legacy version 2.x)

Upgrading to Version 2.6.1

Version 2.6.1 has introduced one new configuration item. You should unpack the software, and run opupdateconfig first followed by opfixperms:

cd /usr/local/opmantek
./bin/opupdateconfig.pl install/opReports.nmis conf/opReports.nmis

If you want to make use of the new Report Scheduling feature, then you will also want to copy over the example schedule files from install/schedule to conf/schedule, and adjust your cron job to include opReports-scheduler.pl. Details of this new feature can be found on the Scheduling Reports page.

Upgrading to version 2.5.4 - 2.6.0

Versions 2.5.4 to 2.6.0 did not introduce any new configuration items. If your older version is 2.5.2 or newer, then unpacking the software and running opfixperms.pl once is all that is required. If you are upgrading from an earlier version please follow the steps for all intermediate versions as outlined below.

Upgrading to version 2.5.3

Version 2.5.3 did not introduce any new configuration items. Unpacking the software and running opfixperms.pl once are the only required operations if your older version was 2.5.2. If you are upgrading from an earlier version please follow the steps for all intermediate versions as outlined below.

Upgrading from version 2.5.1 to 2.5.2

Version 2.5.2 did not introduce any new configuration items, so unpacking the software will be the primary task to perform.

The format of the internal list of past reports  (ReportArchive.nmis) has changed, and the first time you view the report archive for a particular report type that cache file will be converted and the operation will take a little bit longer than usual. It is recommended that you perform this view before your cron scripts create new report archives - you will likely have to shift-reload the archive view page once as it'll falsely report 'no existing reports' otherwise.

The cron scripts bin/opReports-weekly.sh and bin/opReports-daily.sh have been updated to create archival reports in both CSV and HTML format. You may need to adjust your own cron scripts in a similar fashion if you don't use the ones opReports ships with.

Upgrading to version 2.5.1

Upgrading opReports from version 2.x to 2.5.1 is almost effortless, but to gain access to the new features of version 2.5.1 a few  changes have to be made.

First, of course, comes unpacking the new software (just like for the initial installation). For this first step it is assumed that you downloaded the opReports archive to root's home directory; if that is not the case you'll need to adjust the tar invocation below to indicate the appropriate path:


cd /usr/local
tar xzvf ~/opReports-Linux-x86_64-<version>.tar.gz

This step does not overwrite any of your current configuration, because that resides in the conf directory (which is shipped as an empty directory with the software). However, there are some new configuration directives which need to be added -

To add the newly added configuration options to the active conf/opReports.nmis you should now run opupdateconfig.pl. You can also first try opdiffconfigs.pl to find out which config entries are different.

cd opmantek
./bin/opdiffconfigs.pl conf/opReports.nmis install/opReports.nmis
...shows list of differences...

./bin/opupdateconfig.pl install/opReports.nmis conf/opReports.nmis

Version 2.5.1 introduced the Response Time report type, which works best if you set the variable response_exception_threshold in opReports.nmis; otherwise the report will not count and report reponse time exceptions.

In version 2.4.1 we added customisable WAN report detail levels, if you are upgrading from a version older than that please see opReports detail levels for WAN reports.

That's it; on the opReports page you should now see the new version number, and all the new features should be ready.

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