Configuring Escalations from the Poller

Configuring Escalations from the Poller

Option 1 - Using NMIS built-in Escalation and Notification

opHA provides multi-server polling with a central dashboard provided by the Primary. It does NOT handle the escalation of real time events of the pollers. Escalations are handled on each Poller server; emails, etc are sent from the poller. For more information on configuring escalation: NMIS8 Configuration

Option 2 - Using opEvents to Monitor the opHA Poller

The typical solution here is to have the poller send NMIS events using syslog to the Primary which are stored in poller_event.log, then opEvents processes this event log instead of the local event.log and opEvents on a single server can handle the events for all pollers.  The nodes from the remote pollers will need to be added to opEvents so it knows what to do with them.

With opEvents, any event can be handled from any source, and include escalations, etc. (opEvents running on a Primary will carry out all actions as the Primary not as the poller)

Step 1 - Enable opHA Primary to receive syslogs
a. Open /etc/rsyslog.conf
b. Verify you have these modules

# Provides UDP syslog reception
$ModLoad imudp.so
$UDPServerRun 514

# Provides TCP syslog reception
$ModLoad imtcp.so
$InputTCPServerRun 514

c. We need to add a section to tell the NMIS Primary to receive the event log form the poller and where to store it. Under this section add:

#poller NMIS servers use local1 by default, capture that into poller_event.log
local1.* /usr/local/nmis8/logs/poller_event.log

d. Save the changes made to rsyslog.conf
e. Open  /etc/sysconfig/rsyslog
f. Find the entry: SYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-c 5" and change SYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-c 4"
g. Restart the syslog service

service rsyslogd restart

h. Add the file poller_event.log to be processed by opEvents. Update <omk>/conf/opCommon.nmis: 

'opevents_logs' => {
      'nmis_pollerlog' => [    ## Note - earlier versions used nmis_slavelog 

This completes setup on the Primary opHA Server.

Step 2 - Changes to the opHA POLLER to send the syslog

a. Open /usr/local/nmis8/conf/Config.nmis
b. Locate this entry:

'syslog' => {
    'syslog_events' => 'true',
    'syslog_facility' => 'local1',
    'syslog_server' => 'YOURIPADDRESS:tcp:514',
    'syslog_use_escalation' => 'false'

c. Modify YOURIPADDRESS in 'syslog_server' to point to the Primary opHA server.

d. Save changes to Config.nmis

e. Restart the syslog service

service rsyslogd restart

f. Test transmission of the syslog from the poller to the Primary


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