Change Management Best Practices
Change Management Best Practices
The page is intended to help users of the FirstWave monitoring modules to ensure upgrades of the software has minimal impact to their environments.
Recommended Pre Upgrade Checks
Operating System Checks
- Check free disk space
- Baseline CPU and memory utilisation
- If possible, a snapshot (and or full/incremental backup depending on your organisation's backup strategy) of the server should be recommended
FirstWave Module Checks
- opCharts node status checks - take note of the node and status counts
- opEvents - confirm events are being received on the pollers and (where applicable in a opHA environment) forwarded to the primary.
- opHA - on the primary opHA home page, confirm all pollers and primary are showing all green. If possible screenshot the server/en/omk/opHA/verify page for validation after upgrade
- NMIS9 - ensure custom models and model edits are in the /usr/local/nmis9/models-custom directory NOT the models-default directory
- opConfig - At this time upgrades will overwrite custom pharsebook's (pb's), if you have custom pb's make a copy and save to separate directory
Post Upgrade Checks
Operating System Checks
- Check free disk space
- Confirm CPU and memory utilisation is within pre upgrade baseline levels
FirstWave Module Checks
- opCharts - confirm node and status counts are the same or similar post change.
- opEvents - confirm events are being received on the pollers and forwarded to the primary.
- opHA - on the primary opHA home page, confirm all pollers and primary are showing all green.
Upgrade Rollback
If there are issues after the upgrade of our modules, it is recommended that the upgrade is rolled back to ensure server functionality is restored as soon as possible.
We mention more about this in Restore Backup after Install.
Before rollback, FirstWave recommend that you capture support zips for NMIS and OMK modules so the FirstWave support team can analyse any issues that might have occurred.
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