Errata - 4.0.1 XSS in SQL debugging output

Errata - 4.0.1 XSS in SQL debugging output

When outputting the SQL statements for debugging, a maliciously crafted query can trigger a XSS attack (thanks Thrivikram Gujarathi).

This attack only succeeds if the user is already logged in to Open-AudIT before they click the malicious link.

The issue has been patched. To view the patch, go here - https://github.com/Opmantek/open-audit/commit/870b14b3dc83bb38853a0af62f1ff91d0f4ceb78

To apply it, grab the two files from:

and replace the existing files in your installation.

Apologies for any inconvenience this causes. This has been patched and will be included in the next release.

Mark Unwin.

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