Open-AudIT Community versus Professional & Enterprise

Open-AudIT Community versus Professional & Enterprise

About Open-AudIT

Open-AudIT intelligently scans an organization’s network and stores the configurations of the discovered devices.

A powerful reporting framework enables information such as software licensing, configuration changes, non-authorized devices, capacity utilization, and hardware warranty status to be extracted and explored.

Open-AudIT Professional comes with additional features including Business Dashboards, Report filtering, Scheduled discovery, Scheduled Reports, and Maps.

Open-AudIT Enterprise further extends Open-AudIT Professional by also including File Auditing, Baselines and Role Based Access Control.

Open-AudIT Community versus Professional & Enterprise

Which version of Open-AudIT is right for you?

Open-AudIT Professional & Enterprise includes additional modules that improve discovery, simplify administration and increase reporting ability.

Use the comparison chart below to decide which version best suits your organization’s requirements.

AuditingyyyDetailed attribute retrieval.
Change DetectionYYYRecord and report on any changes in device attributes.
Custom Attribute ValuesYYYSet custom values for status, etc.
Custom FieldsYYYCreate complete custom attributes and / or values.
Data ExportYYYCSV, XML, JSON export.
Database Server DiscoveryYYYSQL Server and MySQL.
Device ManagementYYYManage who has the device, where it is, warranty, etc.
DiscoveryYYYFind devices on your network.
File Share DiscoveryYYYSMB Shares.
JSON APIYYYA fully documented JSON Restful API for your use.
Software License ReportingYYYWhat software is deployed and how many licenses do you have.
Web Server DiscoveryYYYApache and IIS.

Commercial Support
YYUnbeatable support!
YYDefine a Cluster of machines. Reports show CPU allocated, memory consumed, etc.
Discovery Scan Options
YYSelect per discovery a group of supplied scanning options.
Geographical Maps
YYWhat locations contain which devices?
Interactive Dashboard
YYEasily visible and consumable charts and graphs.
Reporting Over Time
YYReports with a date range.
YYSchedule Baselines, Discoveries, Reports, and Queries.


YAudit Windows machines on a schedule without remote access.

YDefine a group of machines that provide an Application.
Authentication using Entra / OKTA

YUse MS Entra (Azure Active Directory) or OKTA to authenticate users. See in-app FAQ.

YCompare devices to a baseline of attributes.

YCompare device configuration against best practices including CIS, HIPPA, CIS and more.

YAudit your Amazon, Google and Azure cloud devices.

YUse one Server to control discovery running on another server or have a second server forward all devices to the first.
Dashboard Widgets

YMake your own graphical widgets to display on your own custom Dashboards.
Discovery Scan Options

YCompletely customize each discovery beyond the provided defaults. Make your own custom discovery scan options for use by multiple discoveries.

YDetect non-package manager associated executable files on Redhat, Debian and Ubuntu.
File Change Detection

YDetect if a file has been changed in any way.
CMDB Integration

YUsing the JSON API.
Rack Visualization

YAssign devices to a rack and visualize including space use reports.
Redhat FIPS mode binary compatible

YUpon request for commercially supported customers.
Role Based Access Control

YCreate and modify Roles to suit your specific requirements (including Active Directory and LDAP).

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