How to import devices using a spreadsheet

How to import devices using a spreadsheet

Importing Devices

Devices of all types can be imported using a comma separated value (CSV) text file. Different device types will need different attributes in the spreadsheet. Sample spreadsheets are provided in the open-audit/other/imports folder.

Complete the CSV file and upload it to the web interface; in Community select Discover -> Discoveries -> Import Discoveries from CSV from the menu, in Professional or Enterprise by selecting Manage -> Devices -> Import Devices from CSV from the menu.

Naturally the more columns you can complete, the better your data store will be.

These items (once imported) can be queried and changed via the web interface. You can also export them via a Query.

Sample CSV files include:

  • devices.csv - for all device types EXCEPT phones (see below).
  • locations.csv - for importing Locations (use Manage -> Locations -> Import Locations from CSV)
  • orgs.csv - for importing Organizations (use Manage -> Orgs -> Import Orgs from CSV).
  • phones.csv - minimal required information to support a phone type device.

We are adding more device types all the time. All devices have a corresponding icon. If you have a specific device type you would like catered for, please let us know via the forums.

Below are the valid device types in the form of database attribute value (value) = human readable value (name). You should use the database attribute value in your spreadsheet. Valid types of items in the Open-AudIT database are:

| value                    | name                                  |
| access control           | Access Control                        |
| access point             | Access Point                          |
| access server            | Access Server                         |
| access token             | Access Token                          |
| adsl modem               | ADSL Modem                            |
| alarm                    | Alarm                                 |
| bar code reader          | Bar Code Reader                       |
| bdsl modem               | BDSL Modem                            |
| bridge                   | Bridge                                |
| broadband router         | Broadband Router                      |
| building management      | Building Management                   |
| cable modem              | Cable Modem                           |
| cell phone               | Cell Phone                            |
| cisco module             | Cisco Module                          |
| computer                 | Computer                              |
| chassis                  | Chassis                               |
| dsl modem                | DSL Modem                             |
| dslam                    | DSLAM                                 |
| environment monitor      | Environment Monitor                   |
| firewall                 | Firewall                              |
| game console             | Game Console                          |
| gateway                  | Gateway                               |
| general purpose          | General Purpose                       |
| hub                      | Hub                                   |
| ip phone                 | IP Phone                              |
| kvm                      | Keyboard, Video, Mouse switch         |
| load balancer            | Load Balancer                         |
| media device             | Media Device                          |
| mobile modem             | Mobile Modem                          |
| nas                      | NAS (Network Attached Storage)        |
| network device           | Network Device                        |
| network ids              | Network IDS (Intrusion Detection)     |
| network printer          | Network Printer                       |
| network scanner          | Network Scanner                       |
| pbx                      | PBX                                   |
| pda                      | PDA                                   |
| pdu                      | Power Distribution Unit               |
| phone                    | Phone                                 |
| point of sale            | Point of Sale                         |
| power device             | Power Device                          |
| printer                  | Printer                               |
| print server             | Print Server                          |
| projector                | Projector                             |
| proxy                    | Proxy                                 |
| proxy server             | Proxy Server                          |
| remote access controller | Remote Access Controller (ILO / RSA)  |
| remote management        | Remote Management                     |
| router                   | Router                                |
| san                      | SAN (Storage Area Network)            |
| satellite phone          | Satellite Phone                       |
| satellite receiver       | Satellite Receiver                    |
| scanner                  | Scanner                               |
| security camera          | Security Camera                       |
| security misc            | Security Misc                         |
| serial to ethernet       | Serial to Ethernet Adapter            |
| smart phone              | Smart Phone                           |
| specialized              | Specialized                           |
| storage misc             | Storage Misc                          |
| switch                   | Switch                                |
| tablet                   | Tablet                                |
| tape library             | Tape Library                          |
| telecom misc             | Telecom Misc                          |
| terminal                 | Terminal                              |
| terminal server          | Terminal Server                       |
| time clock               | Time Clock                            |
| unknown                  | Unknown                               |
| ups                      | UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)    |
| video conference         | Video Conference                      |
| voip adapter             | VoIP Adapter                          |
| voip gateway             | VoIP Gateway                          |
| voip phone               | VoIP Phone                            |
| vpn terminator           | VPN Terminator                        |
| wan accelerator          | WAN Accelerator                       |
| wap                      | WAP (Wireless Access Point)           |
| wdm                      | WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexer) |
| web cache                | Web Cache                             |
| webcam                   | Web Camera                            |
| wireless link            | Wireless Link                         |
| wireless router          | Wireless Router                       |

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