NMIS8 Roles

NMIS8 Roles


A role helps define a what a set of devices help accomplish or to define their importance within the system.  Roles are set per device and are used in the definition of an escalation and determining the criticality of events.

Why have roles and what should you choose?

  • A role helps define a what a set of devices help accomplish or to define their importance within the system.
    • The Common-events table is consulted for each event to decide it’s importance vs the devices role
    • Example Interface Down events, these are critical on Core devices but are Normal on Access (switches).
    • role is an attribute commonly used as a "Control" in Thresholding to apply different thresholds to devices based on their use/role.
  • Roles are set per device and are used in the definition of an escalation.

To create or edit roles:

  • Navigate to Setup -> Add/Edit Node Roles

Existing roles are core, distribution, access

How to configure Common-events to update events based on Role

  • GUI System->SystemConfiguration->NMISModels Common-event -> event

Notice how interface down events are handled

role=access –> level =warning 

role=core => level=Major

To edit via the file simply edit  /usr/local/nmis8/modesl/Common-event.nmis

Using "role" to decide what thresholds to apply to a device

See this section of the thresholding documentation to see an example of using the role of a device as part of the policy.

Basic and Advanced Thresholds in NMIS8#HaveasetofthresholdsforCoreCPU

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