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opFlow 2.3.1 upgrade instructions

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This documentation assumes you are upgrading from 2.2.X and currently have opFlow reports running.

Upgrade files

  1. Backup your existing installation 

    cd /usr/local
    cp -r opmantek opmantek_backup_<insert_date> 
  2. Obtain a copy of the tarball, from now on it will be assumed the file is in /tmp
  3. Untar 

    cd /usr/local
    tar -zxvf /tmp/opFlow-release.tar.gz   
  4. Update config files 

    cd /usr/local/opmantek
    ./bin/ install/opFlow.nmis conf/opFlow.nmis
    ./bin/ install/opCommon.nmis conf/opCommon.nmis    
  5. Copy new configuration files into conf/ 

    cd /usr/local/opmantek
    cp install/EmailReports* conf/ 
  6. Fix permissions 

    cd /usr/local/opmantek/bin
  7. Restart Daemons 

    service flowd restart
    service opflowd restart 

Reports (optional)

  1. [OPTIONAL] If you want hourly reports to be available immediately after the hour, add their generation to cron 

    crontab -e
    0 0 * * * /usr/local/opmantek/bin/ 
  2. Daily reports should already be in the cron, if you have added hourly reports above they are not needed but running the script will do no harm

    crontab -e
     0 1 * * * /usr/local/opmantek/bin/

Email Reports (optional, requires reports to be configured)

NOTE: Emailing reports DOES NOT work with auth mode "apache".  Authentication must run through opmantek code, all other auth methods work, eg: htpasswd, ldap, etc.

  1. Install phantomjs

    1. Download it from
    2. Untar it, move it to /usr/local
    3. create a sym link to /usr/local/phantomjs, eg. ln -s phantomjs-1.9.2-linux-x86_64/ phantomjs
    4. Open /usr/local/opmantek/conf/opFlow.nmis, make sure this line 'phantomjs_executable' => '/usr/local/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs' is valid and points to the executable
  2. Ensure auth mode is not set to apache in nmis8/conf/Config.nmis, 'auth_method_1' => , also make sure auth is removed from apache config file 01opmantek.conf, and restart apache if necessary.
  3. Configure the email section of conf/opFlow.nmis 

    #the email section needs to be made valid
    'email' => {
     'mail_from' => '',
     'mail_password' => 'your_password',
     'mail_server' => '',
     'mail_server_port' => 25,
     'mail_subject_prefix' => '[mymagictag]',
     'mail_use_tls' => 'true',
     'mail_user' => ''
    # example Gmail configuration:
    'email' => {
     'mail_from' => '',
     'mail_password' => 'gmailPassword',
     'mail_server' => '',
     'mail_server_port' => 587,
     'mail_subject_prefix' => '[Report]',
     'mail_use_tls' => 'true',
     'mail_user' => ''
  4. [OPTIONAL] If you would like hourly reports to be emailed, configure the file, then enable it to be run from

    vi /usr/local/opmantek/conf/
    # set email addresses
    # set sites
    # copy/paste code blocks for each site if that is how you want them sent out
    # create code block for specific reports if you don't want them all sent every time
    # then uncomment the line to run the script
    vi /usr/local/opmantek/bin/ 
    ## Uncomment the line below to enable emailing hourly reports
    ## Run Emails
    $OMK/conf/     # <- this line
  5. [OPTIONAL] If you would like daily reports to be emailed, follow the same steps as #2 BUT edit and


  1. Reminder, you can always test your settings by running the shell script manually (make sure you don't have email addresses listed that should not receive test emails) 

    # test
    # if you are not getting any emails, check /usr/local/opmantek/logs/opFlowReports.log
  2. Turn on DEBUG if you are having problems and check the logs again:

    #,,, all have this setting
    DEBUG=false # change this line to:
    # now run script again and check /usr/local/opmantek/logs/opFlowReports.log   
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