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Open-AudIT v1.0 Installation Guide - Linux

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This document will describe how to install Open-AudIT v1.0 on GNU/Linux distros.


These installation instructions and scripts have been tested on Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 13.04, Debian 7 and CentOS 6.3. Other distributions may work. If you do install on another distribution and make alterations to the install script (or notes thereof), please contribute this back to the community so others can also benefit.


The reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of UNIX or GNU/Linux systems.

Where there are differences between CentOS / RedHat and Debian / Ubuntu, this document will use the following convention.

Instructions specific to Red Hat  /CentOS will be in RED.

Instructions specific to Debian / Ubuntu will be in BLUE.

Instructions applicable to any distro will remain in BLACK.

The default installation directory is /usr/local/open-audit.

Linux Installation

Linux Distribution

First, install your GNU/Linux distribution. With both CentOS / RedHat and Debian / Ubuntu, I do a basic installation with no extra stuff. That means no GNOME, KDE, "Server" packages, or anything else. Just a base installation is all that's necessary. This guide has been checked on Linux installs with minimal install which is indeed quite minimal, because of this you may see some packages being installed that you might normally assume to be installed.

Linux Security Settings

If you're running CentOS or any other Red Hat-derived distribution, be sure that SELinux is turned off. SELinux prevents Apache from running the script which uses nmap as root. Disabling SELinux is the quickest and simplest way to address this.


NOTE - Version 5 or above of Nmap is required. Nmap needs to have the below command run upon it to allow its execution by users with non-root privileges. 

chmod u+s /usr/bin/nmap

General Settings

Before you start you should determine the following:

The hostname of your server.

The timezone of your server as defined in

The IP Address of your server.

CentOS Additional Packages

CentOS requires the EPEL repository to be enabled in order to install php-mcrypt. The installation script will take care of this.

Debian / Ubuntu Additional Packages

All required packages are in the existing repositories already. No additional repositories are required.

Open-AudIT Installation

Install Script

The easiest way to get Open-AudIT installed and running is to download the source package to the server and run the installation script. From the server console extract the .zip file and cd into the open-audit directory. 

To install on CentOS / RedHat, make sure you are root then run


To install on Debian / Ubuntu run

sudo ./other/ 

Post Install

The script should complete and you should be able to open a browser and go to http://SERVERNAME/index.php and be presented with a logon screen. Change the Admin user password by going to Admin -> List Users -> Edit User. Enable some Reports by going to Admin -> Reports -> Activate Report. Enable some Groups by going to Admin -> Groups -> Activate Group.


If you wish to change the MySQL user and password, the application config file is at /usr/local/open-audit/code_igniter/application/config/database.php

You can tune php.ini to your liking. You may not wish to show errors, but they are useful for debugging and bug reporting.



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