The following events can be generated by NMIS, because NMIS is handling events statefully, the Event is cancelled by a "Cancelling Event".

EventTypeStatefulCancelling EventAdded
Alert "Custom Alert Name" ***FaultYesAlert "Custom Alert Name" ClosedNMIS 8.3.18G
Interface DownFaultYesInterface UpNMIS 8.1.1
Node DownFaultYesNode UpNMIS 8.1.1
Node FailoverFaultNoN/ANMIS 8.1.1
Node ResetFaultNoN/ANMIS 8.1.1
Node Configuration ChangeConfigNoN/ANMIS 8.3.18G
Proactive Calls UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Calls Utilisation ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive CPUThresholdYesProactive CPU ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Dead ModemThresholdYesProactive Dead Modem ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Interface AvailabilityThresholdYesProactive Interface Availability ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Interface Discards Input PacketsThresholdYesProactive Interface Discards Input Packets ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Interface Discards Output PacketsThresholdYesProactive Interface Discards Output Packets ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Interface Error Input PacketsThresholdYesProactive Interface Error Input Packets ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Interface Error Output PacketsThresholdYesProactive Interface Error Output Packets ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Interface Input NonUnicastThresholdYesProactive Interface Input NonUnicast ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Interface Input UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Interface Input Utilisation ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Interface Output NonUnicastThresholdYesProactive Interface Output NonUnicast ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Interface Output UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Interface Output Utilisation ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Memory FreeThresholdYesProactive Memory Free ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Modem UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Modem Utilisation ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive ReachabilityThresholdYesProactive Reachability ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive Response TimeThresholdYesProactive Response Time ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
Proactive TempThresholdYesProactive Temp ClosedNMIS 8.1.1
RPS FailFaultNoN/ANMIS 8.1.1
SNMP DownFaultYesSNMP UpNMIS 8.1.1

*** More details about Custom Alerts for SNMP MIB Polling can be found at Alerts - Using models to generate custom events