Released |
Open-AudIT 4.3.3 is a maintenance release.
Version | Type | Collection | Description |
Enterprise | Improvement | Clouds | When querying AWS for virtual machines, if there is no public IP, fallback to the private IP for the device's system.ip field. |
Professional | Improvement | Discoveries | Do not throw a console warning when calling util/queue (warning because that endpoint does not produce output). |
Professional | Improvement | Devices | Show disk size in GB, not MB. |
Professional | Improvement | Tasks | Run a scheduled task as the user that created (or last edited) that task. Affects items such as reports and queries. We should only return those devices the user running the task should see, not all devices which we would see if the Open-AudIT Enterprise user was used. |
Enterprise | Improvement | Roles | Add rack_devices permission to Roles Read template. |
Professional | Improvement | Devices | Rename Insert to Import on the button on the Import Example Devices page to be consistent with menu items. |
Professional | Improvement | Devices | Apply a sort to device details template for drives and volumes tables. |
Professional | Bug | code | Allow for self signed certs when using HTTPS or LDAPS. |
Professional | Bug | code | As per above, license creation and retrieval (because this uses HTTPS) is now fixed. |
Enterprise | Improvement | code | Add some config items to install/opCommon.json for collector timeouts - oae_collector_connect_timeout, oae_collector_request_timeout, oae_collector_inactivity_timeout |
Community | Improvement | Summaries | Show all collections on the Summaries collection template. |
Community | Improvement | Summaries | Only count the correct Org permitted collections in m_summaries (ie, do not show ALL items for a given collection, only those items a user has the OrgID permission to view. |
Community | Bug | LDAP Servers | Do not fail by not validating self-signed LDAPS certificates. |
Community | Improvement | Discoveries | Add Windows 11 to audit script. |
Community | Improvement | Discoveries | Merge pull request #12 from FranzXaver/master: Added PostgreSQL, Tomcat, MariaDB to server_item, dmidecode hardening |
Community | Improvement | Discoveries | Merge pull request #4 from FranzXaver/FranzXaver-patch-2: Better oid2name detection for postgres and centos |
Community | Improvement | Discoveries | Merge pull request #3 from FranzXaver/FranzXaver-patch-2: Ignore binary files when grepping for datadir |
Community | Improvement | Discoveries | Add some new Mac Models to mac_model_helper. |
Community | Improvement | Discoveries | Fix disk, memory, network cards, CPU in audit_osx for M1. |
Community | Improvement | Discoveries | Updates to Fortigate device type setting in SNMP Model Helper. |
Community | Bug | LDAP Servers | Fix false positive error when deleting an LDAP Server. The LDAP Server is deleted, but we were throwing a warning when there was no need to. |