Released 2019-02-04

Linux md5sum: b8f7b940820c088c429196a28739170b

Linux SHA256: 3f94938134c147998f7aa28a1c56af38204ef27fbce5a3c379953413eecb813f



With Open-AudIT 2.3.2 we have introduced the ability to customise both the scanning options for Nmap and the device matching rules - per discovery.

The Nmap scanning options are contained in a new endpoint (or collection) named nmap_scan_options. You can create your specific options and save them as an item, then use them in your discoveries.

Community users have the ability to select one of the supplied discovery scan options and use it as the default for all scans. Community users will use the default configured matching rules in the configuration as per previous releases for all scans.

Professional users can select an individual discovery scan options entry per scan. Professional users will use the default configured matching rules in the configuration as per previous releases for all scans.

Enterprise users can CRUD (create, read, update, delete) individual discovery scan options as well as customise individual attributes per discovery. Enterprise users can customise the matching rules per scan.

Discovery Scan Options

For more detailed information, go to the Discovery Scan Options page.

The options contained within a discovery scan options entry are as below.

Must Respond To PingIf set, Nmap will fist attempt to send and listen for an ICMP response. If the device does not respond, no further scanning will occur. Previously a device did not have to respond to a ping for Open-AudIT to continue scanning.
Use Service Version DetectionWhen a detected port is detected as open, if set to 'y', Nmap will query the target device in an attempt to determine the version of the service running on this port. This can be useful when identifing unclassified devices. This weas not previouslt used.
Consider Filtered Ports OpenPreviously, Open-AudIT considered an Nmap response of "open|filtered" as a device responding on this port. This has caused some customers issues where firewalls respond on behalf of a non-existing device, and hence cause false positive device detection. We now have this attribute available to set per scan.
TimingThe standard Nmap timing options. Previously set at T4 (aggressive).
Top Nmap TCP PortsThe top 10, 100, 1000 ports to scan as per Nmaps "top ports" options. Previously we scanned the Top 1000 ports (the Nmap standard).
Top Nmap UDP PortsThe top 10, 100, 1000 ports to scan as per Nmaps "top ports" options. Previously we scanned UDP 161 (snmp) only.
Custom TCP PortsAny specific ports we would liuke scanned in addition to the Top TCP Ports. Comma seperated, no spaces.
Custom UDP PortsAny specific ports we would liuke scanned in addition to the Top UDP Ports. Comma seperated, no spaces.
Timout per TargetWait for X seconds for a target response.
Exclude TCP PortsExclude any ports listed from being scanned. Comma seperated, no spaces.
Exclude UDP PortsExclude any ports listed from being scanned. Comma seperated, no spaces.
Exclude IP AddressesExclude IP Addresses (individual IP -, ranges - or subnets - listed from being scanned. Comma seperated, no spaces.
SSH PortScan for this port and if detected open, use this port for SSH communication. This is added to the list of Custom TCP POrts above, so there is no need to include it in that listr as well.


When creating a discovery in Enterprise, the screen now looks as below ()after Advanced has been clicked).

As always, you can simply set the name and subnet to be scanned and the defaults (as per the confiuguration) will be used and you're off and running. If you want to change individual items per scan, click the Advanced button and you have full access to all fields.

Professional users are able to select the Discovery Options from the dropdown, but not customise individual attributes.

Click for larger image.



Open-AudIT EnterpriseNew FeatureDiscovery specific scan and match options.
Open-AudITImprovementAdd a 5 second delay for invalid logon attempts.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalNew FeatureAdd "Debug" under the users name (top left) which shows JSON output similar to what COmmunity has had for some time.
Open-AudIT CommunityNew FeatureAdd timings for major sections of the response to the META sections of the output (visible using Debug).
Open-AudIT CommunityImprovementRefine processing a device. Do NOT populate "hostname" with "dns_hostname". Populate name with hostname, sysName, dns hostname then IP in that order.
Open-AudIT CommunityImprovementAdd a new column - system.identification. Populate upon scan or audit processing.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementDisplay the "identification" column in the default list when showing the device list.
Open-AudIT CommunityImprovementImprove discovery logging. Log at severity 5 when no working credentials are found or no management protocols (WMI, SSH, SNMP) are returned.
Open-AudIT CommunityImprovementDo not unset the device type if all we have is an Nmap result (ie, MAC manufacturer = Apple or port 62078 is open and device name contains iphone, set device even with just an Nmap scan to iphone).
Open-AudIT CommunityImprovementUse Sodium Compat and Random Compat PHP libraries to enable PHP > 7.2 compatibility. Updated version of phpSecLib installed.
Open-AudIT CommunityImprovementAudit code (in audit_windows.vbs and that correctly parses and inserts as XML the devices open netstat ports. Correspondingly, process this data as per other data with no requirement to parse the raw netstat data within the Open-AudIT server.
Open-AudIT CommunityBugNMIS export now renders correctly and does not error out.
Open-AudIT CommunityBugAdd the discovery data to the response so when requested from OAP/E, we don't produce an error because of a GET but no data returned.
Open-AudIT CommunityImprovementRemove discovery logs from a JSON read request to discoveries. We should now use the /discovery_log endpoint.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalNew FeatureAdd a button on the discoveries_read template to enable use to export all relevant discovery information.
Open-AudIT CommunityImprovementIn audit_windows.vbs, wrap attempt to talk to domain in an on error resume next to prevent breakage when talking to an openLDAP domain.
Open-AudIT CommunityBug

Fix broken service, user, route sections on device details page.

Open-AudIT CommunityImprovementAdd a new device type of Unclassified. If we have limited information about a device, but Do have something lile a manufacturer derived from a MAC or a port is open, then the device is now classes as Unclassified, not Unknown.
Open-AudIT CommunityImprovementNew icon for Unknown devices (warning roadsign with exclamation mark). Reuse old unknown ison for Unclassified devices (blue circle with question mark).
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementShow different colurs for an unknown or unclassified device.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementAdded more items to clouds::read template.
Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementAutoRefresh clouds::read template if status ne completed.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementAutoRefresh discoveries::read template if status ne completed.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementImprove design of discoveries::read template for devices and logs.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugOn the discoveries::create form, fix the tour for the missing tour_name class.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugProvide bulk edit on queries_execute and reports_execute templates.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugRestore Support -> Export button on template. Force download instead of display output.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementAdded pagination and summary to top of dataTables for discoveries::read template for logs, devices and IPs.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementAdd a button that links to credentials create on discoveries devices when discovery log shows no XXX type of credentials.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementAdd buildings, floors, rooms and rows to sub menus under Locations.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementCheck and automatically fix the Nmap SetUID issue on Linux.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementAdd the Nmap Program detected to the Nmap Ports section on the device details template.