Baselines enable you to combine audit data with a set of attributes you have previously defined (your baseline) to determine compliance of devices.

For example - you might create a baseline from a device running Centos 6 which acts as one of your Apache servers in a cluster. You know this particular server is configured just the way you want it but you're unsure if other servers in the cluster are configured exactly the same. Baselines enables you to determine this.

You can create a Baseline, run it against a group of devices and view the results, add scheduled execution, add more tables for comparison (currently only software, netstat ports and users are enabled), in place baseline editing, archiving of results and more.

Step 1 - Choose a relevant device to run a baseline against

Step 2 - Create your Baseline definition - Baselines#CreatingaBaselineDefinition

Step 3 - Execute Baseline - Baselines#ExecutingaBaselineDefinition

Step 4 - Schedule Baseline - How to Schedule Tasks in Open-AudIT