
Mostly a bug fix release with a couple of new options and features.

Change Log

Open-AudITBugFixed creating a query or group that contains a % in its SQL.
Open-AudITImprovementWhen an audit result is submitted from an address not in a valid subnet, log it (and discard as per normal).
Open-AudITImprovementEscape single quotes in data on map template.
Open-AudITBugFix Device Details -> Delete Credentials button in Firefox.
Open-AudITImprovementFix for user-generated fields causing invalid HTML.
Open-AudITBugIncorrect name of HTML element on create collection (sql should have been data[attributes][sql]). Affected creating queries and groups.
Open-AudITImprovementLDAP Servers Create Form - DN Password is not a html password type
Open-AudITImprovementManually add device, populate IP table if subnet supplied.
Open-AudITImprovementDo not accept audit result if id, name and ip are not populated.
Open-AudITImprovementMake discovery commands work on non-ideal linux shell (C Shell).
Open-AudITImprovementAdd custom field type of date and use HTML type date on forms.
Open-AudITImprovementEnsure all options are available to modify scripts in the UI (Professional to come).
Open-AudITBugAdd the user->type attribute when creating a user from LDAP.

Test for the user->type attribute !empty before testing for a string (was preventing Pro/Ent from working with MS & Open LDAP).

Related to the above issue.


Config option added - delete_noncurrent_netstat. Set to 'y' by default so we don't bother tracking netstat ports when they change.

These items change anyway so tracking the changes isn't that helpful. Set to 'n' to revert to tracking changes.

In the future we'll introduce tracking ports below 1024 only.


Config option added - delete_noncurrent_variable. Set to 'y' by default so we don't bother tracking environment variables when they change.

These items change anyway so tracking the changes isn't that helpful. Set to 'n' to revert to tracking changes.


Config option added - discovery_linux_use_sudo. Set to 'y' by default. Should we attempt to run the audit script using sudo if it exists.

Introduced because some Linux configurations are set to not allow sudo commands to be runnable (even though sudo exists and the user has sudo access).

Open-AudIT EnterpriseImprovementAllow read only (collection and read) views for devices, discoveries, and logs on a Collector.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugFix CSV import of devices.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalBugFix refine device display fails if a single category is chosen (works for multiple).
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementManually add device, populate IP table if subnet supplied.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovementAdd custom field type of date and use HTML type date on forms.
Open-AudIT ProfessionalImprovement

Revise panels in device details. Summary is now a true summarised view and an extra 'Details' panel is provided.

Move 'As At' button to header. Make Summary panel closable.