This release is mostly a bugfix release with one new feature exception.
NOTE - If running on Windows 2012r2 there is an issue with scheduled tasks. This will be addressed in a future update.
Now in the configuration section, there are options for improved matching of a submitted device details and those already in the database. The options are quite self explanatory. If it's a single attribute and it matches, the devices are considered to be the same device. If the option is for multiple attributes, all specified attributes must match before the devices are considered to be the same.
Some points of interest.
The dus_id (under Linux) is supposed to be a unique field. Unfortunately when a Linux machine is cloned under VMware (and likely other hypervisors) this unique id is not recreated. System Administrators should do this, but it appears not many do and we end up with false positive matches occurring. This was not an option prior to 1.12.10, but now is.
VMware (at least on the desktop) can also provide issue's for us with Mac Addresses. If multiple desktops have VMware Workstation (or Fusion) installed, VMware tends to use the same bunch of Mac Addresses across machines. In theory this should be fine (for VMware) because these machines are on different networks. Obviously for Open-AudIT this presents an issue when we match machines based on Mac Address. hence the option for match_mac_vmware. Leave this at 'n' to prevent this occurring.
The available options for matching devices are: match_dbus, match_fqdn, match_hostname, match_hostname_dbus, match_hostname_serial, match_hostname_uuid, match_ip, match_mac, match_mac_vmware, match_serial, match_serial_type
Option | Default |
match_dbus | n |
match_fqdn | y |
match_hostname | y |
match_hostname_dbus | y |
match_hostname_serial | y |
match_hostname_uuid | y |
match_ip | n |
match_mac | n |
match_mac_vmware | n |
match_serial | y |
match_serial_type | y |
match_uuid | y |
Open-AudIT | Bug | Blessed Subnets doesn't work using IPv6 |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Change the default datetime to 2001-01-01 00:00:00 because of newer MySQL/MariaDB |
Open-AudIT | Bug | Check the database backup includes the stored procedure |
Open-AudIT | Bug | Class not showing on Bulk Edit screen |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Deprecate audit_subnet_windows.vbs and nmap_windows.vbs |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Fix JS for IE |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Fix SVG definitions for IE |
Open-AudIT Enterprise | Bug | Check the installer set permissions on other/scripts under Linux? |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | OAE mismatching devices on dbus identifiers |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | OSX Sierra disk changes breaking pre-Sierra |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Open Audit DB upgrade (remove orphaned rows) |
Open-AudIT | Bug | Partition Alert report error |
Open-AudIT Enterprise | Improvement | Remove Ubuntu 16.04 restriction from installer |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Remove edit button from Queries list |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Rename some descriptors on the SNMP v3 fields |
Open-AudIT Enterprise | Request | Schedule discovery form still includes completing credential details (remove) |
Open-AudIT | Bug | Search is broken |
Open-AudIT Enterprise | Improvement | Change the "System" menu in OAE to "Admin" |
Open-AudIT | Bug | Unable to Add Groups |
Open-AudIT | Bug | Unable to Manually Add Devices (IE JS) |
Open-AudIT | Bug | View Devices button on network display page not working in IE 11 |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Weird SNMP result on Windows for Mac Address |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | Windows discovery fails with PHP error wmi_helper.php |
Open-AudIT | Improvement | disk changes because of Sierra |