The new version will need to be downloaded and this tutorial assumes you have put it in ~, it can be anywhere you like but you will have to adjust the command to untar.
All commands will be run out of /usr/local/omk, change their now
cd /usr/local/omk |
Backup old configuration
mkdir conf_date_here cp -r conf/* conf_date_here/ |
Stop the current service
service omkd stop # if that does not work try kill `cat /tmp/` # verify it omkd is stopped ps aux | grep opman # if they are still running kill them killall opmantek.exe |
Untar the new version
cd /usr/local tar -zxvf ~/opExport-New-Version.tar.gz |
Upgrade the configuration
cd /usr/local/omk cp install/opCommon.nmis conf/ cp install/users.dat conf/ cd conf |
*if you are upgrading the MySQL server daemon, you will need new schemas:
cp install/*.json conf/ |
Start the service back up
service omkd start |
Load the GUI in web browser, this is required to accept the EULA, if this is not done schemas will not be saved in the next step!