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NMIS Event List

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Event Configuration

NMIS includes a feature "Event Configuration" which allows users to individually manage the events and alerts NMIS generates, this can be accessed in the NMIS GUI at "System -> System Configuration -> Event Configuration".

When you access the screen you can edit a given event and decide how you would like NMIS to handle it.  To prevent an event from being actioned by NMIS or opEvents, you would edit the event.

For example we want to stop getting the BGP Peer Down alert.  Edit the event and change "Notify on Event" and "Log on Event" to false and "edit (save)" your change.  If you did now want this event to contribute to the the node becoming degraded you would change "Status Summary" to false as well.

Event List

The following events can be generated by NMIS, because NMIS is handling events statefully, the Event is cancelled by a "Cancelling Event".

EventTypeStatefulCancelling EventDescription
Alert "Custom Alert Name" ***FaultYesAlert "Custom Alert Name" ClosedThis is the catch all for custom alerts. More details about Custom Alerts for SNMP MIB Polling can be found at Alerts - Using models to generate custom events
Alert: BGP Peer DownFaultYesAlert: BGP Peer Down ClosedA BGP Routing Protocol Peer has been detected to be down.
Alert: GE Alarm ActiveFaultYesAlert: GE Alarm Active ClosedA GE Alarm is active on the node.
Alert: High Disk UsageFaultYesAlert: High Disk Usage ClosedThe node has high disk usage (disk is getting full)
Alert: High Memory UsageFaultYesAlert: High Memory Usage ClosedThe node has high memory utilisation.
Alert: High Number of System ProcessesFaultYesAlert: High Number of System Processes ClosedA high number of system processes has been detected on the node.
Alert: High Oper Completion TimeFaultYesAlert: High Oper Completion Time ClosedThe Cisco IPSLA operation has high completion time.
Alert: High Swap UsageFaultYesAlert: High Swap Usage ClosedThe node has high SWAP Memory utilisation.
Alert: High TCP Connection CountFaultYesAlert: High TCP Connection Count ClosedThe node has a high number of TCP connections.
Alert: RTT Completion Status Not OKFaultYesAlert: RTT Completion Status Not OK ClosedThe Cisco IPSLA operation has not completed correctly.
Alert: Virtual Machine not Powered OnFaultYesAlert: Virtual Machine not Powered On ClosedThe Virtual Machine is NOT powered on, this may or may not be a desirable state.
Interface DownFaultYesInterface UpAn interface NMIS is managing has gone down (physical or logical outage).
NMIS runtime exceededAdminNoN/AIndicating that the NMIS polling cycle is going too long.
Node DownFaultYesNode UpA node is down, stopped responding to ICMP or SNMP packets for longer than the timeout.
Node FailoverFaultNoN/AA redundant node pair has failed over, typically a Cisco PIX or ASA.
Node ResetFaultNoN/AA node reset has been detected, the operating system has restarted.
Node Configuration ChangeConfigNoN/AA configuration change has been detected on this node.
Proactive Calls UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Calls Utilisation ClosedThere are too many calls, and you need more lines.
Proactive CPUThresholdYesProactive CPU ClosedThe configured CPU threshold of the node has been exceeded.

Proactive CPU User

ThresholdYesProactive CPU User ClosedThe User CPU utilisation threshold has been exceeded.
Proactive CPU SystemThresholdYesProactive CPU System ClosedThe System CPU utilisation threshold has been exceeded.
Proactive CPU IO WaitThresholdYesProactive CPU IO Wait ClosedThe IO (Input/Output) Waiting for CPU threshold has been exceeded.
Proactive CPU IdleThresholdYesProactive CPU Idle ClosedThe Idle CPU utilisation has fallen below the configured threshold.
Proactive Dead ModemThresholdYesProactive Dead Modem ClosedA modem is dead and probably should be put out to pasture.
Proactive Interface AvailabilityThresholdYesProactive Interface Availability ClosedThe configured interface availability threshold of the node has been exceeded.
Proactive Interface Discards Input PacketsThresholdYesProactive Interface Discards Input Packets ClosedThe configured threshold for INPUT packets being discarded by the interface.
Proactive Interface Discards Output PacketsThresholdYesProactive Interface Discards Output Packets ClosedThe configured threshold for OUTPUT packets being discarded by the interface.
Proactive Interface Error Input PacketsThresholdYesProactive Interface Error Input Packets ClosedThe configured threshold has been exceeded for INPUT packets with errors being received by the interface.
Proactive Interface Error Output PacketsThresholdYesProactive Interface Error Output Packets ClosedThe configured threshold has been exceeded for OUTPUT packets with errors being sent by the interface.
Proactive Interface Input UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Interface Input Utilisation ClosedThe configured interface INPUT utilisation threshold of the node has been exceeded.
Proactive Interface LOW Input UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Interface LOW Input Utilisation ClosedThe interface has very LOW INPUT utilisation.
Proactive Interface Output UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Interface Output Utilisation ClosedThe configured interface OUTPUT utilisation threshold of the node has been exceeded.
Proactive Interface LOW Output UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Interface LOW Output Utilisation ClosedThe interface has very LOW OUTPUT utilisation.
Proactive Memory FreeThresholdYesProactive Memory Free ClosedThe available free memory is below the configured threshold.
Proactive Memory UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Memory Utilisation ClosedThe memory utilisation has exceeded the configured threshold.
Proactive Heap UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Heap Utilisation ClosedThe heap utilisation has exceeded the configured threshold.
Proactive Modem UtilisationThresholdYesProactive Modem Utilisation ClosedThe modems are being overused, and should probably be retired now.
Proactive ReachabilityThresholdYesProactive Reachability ClosedThe overall reachability of the node has has fallen below the threshold.
Proactive Response TimeThresholdYesProactive Response Time ClosedThe response time threshold of the node has been exceeded.
Proactive TempThresholdYesProactive Temp ClosedThe configured threshold for temperature of the node has been exceeded.
RPS FailFaultNoN/AThe redundant power supply has failed.
SNMP DownFaultYesSNMP UpSNMP communication to the node has a problem.
Service DownFaultYesService UpA service NMIS is managing has failed to respond.
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