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opFlow 3 Operations Guide

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Operational Status Report

You can get to this from "Views -> Operational Status Report"

High Volume mode sample:

To read a loadCycle: "Load Time: 42.73s, Insertion Time: 21.08s, Filter Time: 0.15s, Endpoint Time: 10.41s, Flows: 56075, Conversations: 21246, Skipped Filtered Flows: 53, Unique IPs: 8960"

total processing time =  "Load Time  + Filter Time + Endpoint Time" (Load time includes Insertion Time, it is broken out to help see DB performance)
total processing time = 42.73 + 0.15 + 10.41
total processing time = 53.29s

2016-04-19T11:12:13loadCyclecompletedokProcess 27739 done with file(s) nfcapd.201604191109Load Time: 42.73s, Insertion Time: 21.08s, Filter Time: 0.15s, Endpoint Time: 10.41s, Flows: 56075, Conversations: 21246, Skipped Filtered Flows: 53, Unique IPs: 8960
2016-04-19T11:10:02loadCyclecompletedokProcess 27684 done with file(s) nfcapd.201604191107Load Time: 37.42s, Insertion Time: 18.82s, Filter Time: 0.13s, Endpoint Time: 5.37s, Flows: 48445, Conversations: 18372, Skipped Filtered Flows: 57, Unique IPs: 8472
2016-04-19T11:08:30loadCyclecompletedokProcess 27576 done with file(s) nfcapd.201604191105Load Time: 55.97s, Insertion Time: 33.9s, Filter Time: 0.24s, Endpoint Time: 10.17s, Flows: 56434, Conversations: 21374, Skipped Filtered Flows: 51, Unique IPs: 8788
2016-04-19T11:06:28loadCyclecompletedokProcess 27438 done with file(s) nfcapd.201604191103Load Time: 54.56s, Insertion Time: 34.03s, Filter Time: 0.14s, Endpoint Time: 10.56s, Flows: 55158, Conversations: 19285, Skipped Filtered Flows: 45, Unique IPs: 8975

Low Volume mode example:

To read a loadCycle: "Load Time: 223.72s Summarize Time: 5.05s Aggregation Time: 3.18s Filter Time: 133.78s Endpoint Time: 23.65s Flows: 202482 Conversations: 16355 Unique IPs: 5221" the

total processing time =  "Load Time + Summarize Time + Filter Time + Endpoint Time" ( Summarise Time includes Aggregation Time, it is broken out to see DB performance)
total processing time = 223.72 + 5.05 + 133.78 + 23.65
total processing time = 386.2s

Low Volume mode does not list the insertion time

Also note:
Skipped Empty Flows - flows that were skipped because they had 0 bytes
Skipped Filtered Flows - flows that were skipped because they matched the config setting opflow_drop_endpoints - Manage opFlow from the CLI allows you to run setup routines, create reports, manually load flow files and generally run CRUD operations on endpoints/apps/agents/filters. 

Run -h to get help:

Usage: act=operation [option=A...] [param=X...] act=setup-db [drop=true] [usepercent=NN] act=setup-iana [url=...|file=...] act=(purge|purge-raw|purge-endpoints|purge-indices) act=load-flows file=... act=list-endpoints [searchprop=value...]
value can be regex:... act=create-endpoint property=value... act=show-endpoint ip=address act=update-endpoint ip=address entry.propname=value... act=delete-endpoint ip=address act=list-apps [searchprop=value...] act=(create-app|update-app) number=N protocol=M name=X description=Y act=delete-app number=N protocol=M act=list-agents act=update-agent agent=X [in_if=Y out_if=Z] admin_status=(active|inactive) act=list-filters [include_inactive=0/1] act=show-filter name=F act=disable-filter name=F act=create-filter name=F [description=D] propA=X,Y,Z [propB=...]
properties: agent application endpoint proto src_ip dst_ip src_port dst_port
filter expressions: A,B,C for list of choices, regex:string supported
for all properties except agent and proto.
proto must be number or list of numbers. agent must be agent_ip
(for all interfaces), or agent_ip:in_ifidx:out_ifidx. act=create-report [param=...]

quiet=1: suppress output, only set exit code
debug=1: more verbose debugging output

Manage Agents

Agents and the interfaces seen on those agents can be viewed, set inactive or set active.  A "wildcard" agent record can be seen for each agent IP that opFlow has received flows from, setting the active/inactive flag on this record disable all flows coming form this agent.  In addition to this, an entry for each agent+in_if+out_if combo is also stored which allows disabling flows from specific interfaces and directions.

Note: Disabling all flows in+out of an interface will remove it from the licensing count (lowering the used count by one interface).  opFlow 3.0.2 requires each combo to be disabled, just disabling the wildcard record will not remove the interfaces from the licensing count.

Get a list of Agents

/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=list-agents


[root@server:/usr/local/omk/bin]#(2) ./ act=list-agents Version 3.1.0

Copyright (C) 2015 Opmantek Limited (
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
See or email
opFlow 1.0 is licensed to Opmantek for 50 Interfaces

Agent IP	In Intf	Out Intf	Active	Last Seen	2	1	active	Tue Apr 19 13:53:57 2016	1	2	active	Tue Apr 19 13:53:57 2016	1	0	active	Tue Apr 19 13:53:57 2016	*	*	active	Tue Apr 19 13:53:57 2016	8	1	active	Tue Apr 19 13:40:01 2016	2	1	active	Tue Apr 19 13:53:57 2016	10	1	active	Tue Apr 19 13:53:57 2016	1	8	active	Tue Apr 19 13:40:01 2016

Stop Processing Flows from an Agent/Interface

To disable processing flows from an agent, disable all agent+in_if+out_if entries.  Here is an example of disabling a single agent interface:

# disable a whole agent
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=update-agent agent= admin_status=inactive
# disable an interface: in both directions to remove a single interface
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=update-agent agent= in_if=2 out_if=1 admin_status=inactive
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=update-agent agent= in_if=1 out_if=2 admin_status=inactive

Start Processing Flows from an Agent/Interface

Note: Enabling an agent which has individual interface records disabled will not enable those interface records as well.

# enable a whole agent, 
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=update-agent agent= admin_status=inactive

# enable flows in both directions to add a single interface back, only a single direction can be enabled if desired
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=update-agent agent= in_if=2 out_if=1 admin_status=active
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=update-agent agent= in_if=1 out_if=2 admin_status=active

Manage Filters

Filters allow you to create pre-defined searches that will load quickly in the GUI.  A filter must be in place before the flows arrive as the flows are tagged with the filter when they are processed.  Any flows that match the filter but arrived before the filter was created will not be displayed.  

Note: Agents are filtered automatically, there is no need to create extra filters for them.

Options for filtering rules: agent|application|endpoint|proto|src_ip|dst_ip|src_port|dst_port

Create a Filter Based on Application

/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=create-filter name=HTTP application=http
/usr/local/omk/bin/ act=create-filter name=HTTPS application=https
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