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Traffic Snapshot Reports
Warning Exercise caution while editing /path/to/omk/conf/opCommon.json; if a syntax error is induced all OMK applications will cease to function.
Check out How to make configuration changes to opCommon.nmis and other files for some more details on best practices for modifying the configuration file.
opReports 4 requires that configuration item omkd → omkd_baseurl_url base in /path/to/omk/conf/opCommon.json be set to the IP address or FQDN of the server,
and be prepended by the HyperText Transfer Protocol ( http:// or https:// ),
for the Traffic Snapshot Report to function correctly.- opReports requires that a licensed opCharts be installed and that the opCharts EULA be accepted for the Snapshot Report to function correctly.
The Traffic Snapshot report requires a deep structure to describe each of its multiple pages.
Number | Configuration Option | Description |
1 | Title | Page title. Every page can have its own title; If not set, "Page <nr>" is used. |
2 | Summary Title | This title text is shown before the Summary Table. If not set it's omitted. |
3 | Table Column Heading | The heading is meant for the first column in the table, which enumerates the Business Services you've selected. |
4 | Peak Type | The "Peak Utilisation" can be the combined sum of utilisation figures across the group, or the utilisation of one "busiest" interface. |
5 | Capacity Type | The "Capacity" can be the combined sum of capacities across the group, or the capacity of the one "slowest" interface. |
6 | Graph Order | Graphs for the interfaces of a given Business Service can be grouped horizontally or vertically. |
7 | Graph | For each interface, the named NMIS graph is generated. |
8 | Level Color Scheme | Coloring scheme for utilisation levels |