Code Block |
# ----------------------------------- USER DEFINITIONS ----------------------------------- # user identity config block - used for authentication between the wmic_server and the wmi target # id key name will match the id passed in by calling clients - these ids must not use any other valid top level key in this file # id key name must be formatted according to the validation rules also specified in this file (since they are also passed in by the clients as http parameters) # data in the config block must have user and pass, domain is optional, tokens are optional user1: user: MYUSER pass: MYPASSWORD domain: # optional list of valid id-specific tokens the client calling the wmi server can use to "authenticate" to the wmi server (not the wmi target) # leave empty or do not include to not require these tokens tokens: - MYSECRETUSERACCESSTOKEN1 - MYSECRETUSERACCESSTOKEN2 # ----------------------------------- TOKEN DEFINITIONS ----------------------------------- # token array # optional list of valid tokens the client calling the wmi server can use to "authenticate" to the wmi server (not the wmi target) # any user above can use these tokens - if you need user-specific tokens you can add them in the user defintions above and leave these ones empty # leave empty or do not include to not require these tokens tokens: - MYSECRETACCESSTOKEN1 - MYSECRETACCESSTOKEN2 # ----------------------------------- INPUT VALIDATION DEFINITIONS ----------------------------------- # input validation regular expressions for http input variables # you must provide regular expressions for each of these, you can provide one or more regular expression # regular expressions are case insensitive # if you really want no validation, make the regular expression just a single dot ie . validation: id: # includes only alpha,digits,-,_ - ^[a-z0-9\-_]+$ token: # includes only alpha,digits,-,_ - ^[a-z0-9\-_]+$ host: # includes only alpha,digits,. or - - ^[a-z0-9\.\-]+$ query: # format like SELECT something FROM something - ^select.+from) - OTHERREGEX namespace: # format like alpha or digits then a "/" followed by alpha or digits - ^[a-z0-9]+/[a-z0-9]+$ |
Save this file in a location of your choice (e.g., your project directory)./etc/
** If you wish to make changes to the configuration file and have the changes take effect on the host, edit the file on the host and then restart the container
Code Block |
sudo vi /etc/wmic_server.yaml
docker restart $CONTAINER_ID |
2. Run the Container
Code Block |
sudo docker run -d \ -v $/path/toetc/wmic_server.yaml:/app/contrib/wmic_server/wmic_server.yaml \ -p 2313:2313 \ --restart=unless-stopped \ public.ecr.aws/n2x4v8j4/firstwave/wmic:latest |
Code Block |
# Get the container ID first
sudo docker ps
# Check the logs
sudo docker logs CONTAINER_ID
Successful startup will show Gunicorn starting and listening on port 2313.
Code Block |
# Using curl to query a Windows machine curl -X POST http://localhost:2313/querywmic \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "host": "", "id": "user1", "token": "MYSECRETACCESSTOKEN1", "namespace": "root\\cimv2", "query": "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem" }' |
Common WMI Queries
Here are some useful WMI queries you can run through the WMIC service:
System Information
Code Block SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem
Operating System Information
Code Block SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem
Disk Information
Code Block SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk
Process Information
Code Block SELECT * FROM Win32_Process
Network Adapter Configuration
Code Block SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled=True
Container Won't Start
If the container fails to start, check the logs:
Code Block |
sudo docker logs CONTAINER_ID |
Common issues include:
Configuration file not found
Ensure the path mapping in your docker run command is correct
Verify the configuration file exists at the specified location
Port already in use
Change the port mapping in your docker run command:
-p 2314:2313
Permission issues
Ensure the configuration file has the correct permissions
Verify the container is running
Code Block sudo docker ps
Check if the port is accessible
Code Block telnet localhost 2313
Check firewall settings
Ensure port 2313 is allowed through your firewall
Code Block |
# Get the container ID
sudo docker ps
# Stop the container
sudo docker stop CONTAINER_ID
Restart the Container
Code Block |
sudo docker restart CONTAINER_ID
Remove the Container
Code Block |
# Stop the container first
sudo docker stop CONTAINER_ID
# Remove the container
sudo docker rm CONTAINER_ID
The WMIC Docker container provides a convenient way to interact with Windows systems using WMI. By following this guide, you should be able to set up and use the container for querying and managing Windows machines remotely.